Webinar on eTwinning between school coordinators (online for the involved teachers)
- code of conduct
- practical advice for less experienced partners how to organize work on the project during the pandemia and online teaching
creating a new eTwinning project
Erasmus+ corner - local dissemination: informing the school
community about the project. The information will be:
- on the board in the main halls
- on the school website
- distributed among students, parent, teachers (just informing them)
- sent to the school authorities
- on the local media
The project website
Logo competition carried out among partner students. Every will inspire students to make some proposals, they will vote common logo, the school logos will be presnted online and online voting will be carried out to choose the project logo
STEAM film about my school and the surrounding area made by students with the help of teachers
We have a detailed plan of work:: creating Erasmus+ corners, local dissemination,
webinars on eTwinning between school coordinators, questionnaires on the partner countries, the project (STEAM), future job preferences, creating the STEAM Dictionary, practicing good practices
on teaching "SCIENCE in our life", ENGENEERING..., TECHNOLOGY, MATHS from the partner schools, digital posters on the 4topics, organizing STEAM workshops in four countries.
All partners will prepare one LTTA and prepare 4 good practices and also practice
the good methods proposed by other partners.
We plan 8 virtual mobilities between our students: one before every LTTA and one
during every LTTA. We will also produce the project logo, banner, leaflets, newsletters, posters and videos about the schools and activities. The Power of Discovery.
Erasmus teams will be formed in each school but our project is opened for all our
students. Students will be involved in every step of the project as active participants.
At the beginning students will be given a questionnaire to check their STEAM
awareness. The results will be compared to those received from each partner. At the end of the second year, the procedure will be repeated, the results showing how much students have learned. The
same with the questionnaires about the
partner countries and job preferences. The Toolbox of good practices for teachers
and A Discovery Magazine for students will be created and disseminated online.
The visible results will be on the project, school websites, eTwinning. The
expected results include: STEAM knowledge and better English and ICT skills for students and new teaching methods for teachers. The European awareness will increase for all participants. The
schools will improve the quality of their work through international experience.
This project was approved and funded with the support of the European Commission. This website reflects only the views of the author/s and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information, contained therein.
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